Dreaming Dragon Café EVENTS
It is my firm belief that being in community,
collaborating with like-hearted soul-siblings is the
most important work we can be doing right now.
We’re going to change the world.


Jennifer DeVille Catalano will play a curated selection of her Crystal Tones Alchemy singing bowls to offer you
a cleansing and uplifting experience.
Each bowl shares different healing vibrations to help you on your journey.
$19 per person, click the paypal link below to register. With this button you can pay with Paypal, Venmo or a credit card. I am happy to receive checks also, just email me at
azro@madriver.com or text me at 802-595-0745.
After payment you will be brought to a Thank You page with event information and the zoom link. I will email the zoom link to all attending a few days before the event, and the day of the event. We are looking foward to seeing you!
on demand:

This was a deeply calming gathering to nourish, as we prepare to step into a new era.
Rest, relax, and receive as Jennifer DeVille Catalano lets love ring through the vibrations of the Alchemy bowls.
$19 per person, click the paypal button below to receive the zoom recording. If you don’t have paypal email to
azro@madriver.com or text me at 802-595-0745.
OR you can Venmo me to @cathlene-stevenspratt (you’ll see a green mandala with pink hearts)
on demand:

This event was a delightful success and you can purchase to listen to at your leisure.
Listen as Jennifer DeVille Catalano allows her
Crystal Tones Alchemy Bowls
to lead you into grace as you ring in the light.
$19 per person, click the paypal link here to receive the zoom recording. If you don’t have paypal email to
azro@madriver.com or text me at 802-595-0745.
Where will I be?
March – May 2025
The fifth in the ART series in collaboration with Janet Conner. ART 5 is all about DIVINATION. Read all about it by CLICKING HERE.
NEW MOON Tarot Blessings – each new moon
Each new moon I do an astrology/Chandra/Oracle blessing on Instagram, Youtube & Facebook.
in12d podcast
Every Thursday, 2pm eastern time live-streamed conversations with incredible guests, Suzi and Ramzi about everything mystical. Youtube, Spotify and Apple
Books I love
Ways of Attending by Iain McGilchrist
Spiritual Awakenings by Marjorie Woollcott
Dying to Know You by P.M.H. Atwater
• Time Loops by Eric Wargo
• Underland: A Deep Time Journey by Robert Macfarlane
• Thus Spoke the Plant by Monica Gagliano
• Other Minds by Peter Godfrey-Smith
• Plant Intelligence and the Imaginal Realm
by Stephen Harrod Buhner
• Otherlands by Thomas Halliday
• Entangled Life by Merlin Sheldrake
• Song of Increase: Listening to the Wisdom of Honeybees
by Jacqueline Freeman
• The Hidden Life of Trees by Peter Wohlleben
• Becoming Animal by David Abram
• Winter World by Bernd Heinrich
• All About Love by Bell Hooks
• The Memory Code by Lynne Kelly
• Sand Talk by Tyson Yunkaporta
• The Creative Act by Rick Rubin
I highly recommend these folks for their offerings and services.
My partner in crime: Janet Conner, prayer artist, mystic witch, producer/director in the Theatre of the Miraculous…
Suzette Clough-Artist and creator of Visual Medicine TM, Painting with the Universe teacher extraordinaire!
Ramzi Cheety. You’ve never met a more inspiring man. The divine masculine in the flesh, psychic medium and so much fun. Go have a look at his offerings.
Suzi von Mensenkampff. This friend and mystic blows my mind. A medium and psychic, teaching meditation, ayurveda and how to be well. Watch her, she is badass.
Melinda Kinzie, sound healer, shaman, journey queen, educator and magical lady!
Shea in the Catskills- tarot extraordinaire!
Emma Mitchell-This lady weaves multi lifetimes’ worth of knowledge about astrology, numerology, aromatherapy, visual journaling the list goes on. And she is an absolute JOY!
Aletheia Sophia-Oracle, wisdomTeller, divine feminine of the Cathar tradition.

Why Dragons? Why a cafe?
The new Chinese year beginning in February 2024 is the year of the Wood Dragon. Celestial bodies in the Kuiper Belt are named after several dragons from mythology from all over the planet. Those asteroids etc. are making themselves known by piercing our Milky Way, bringing their new and exciting energy. We are entering the Age of the Dragon.
I love my online and in-person communities. I think shared spaces are where new ideas happen, where our creativity explodes, where we can be inspired by one another. It’s a Dragon Cafe!