No mud, no lotus…

No mud, no lotus…

From the stars, on a mountain, with the bears, my beads…and paint.

Hello beloveds! How is mid November treating you? I’m ok and the world is burning. Art is being made in spite of it all. Art helps me to feel alive and well and I hope it adds a teeny bit of beauty though mostly it seems pointless. And important. I created this mandala to support our teachings in Janet Conner’s The Lotus and The Lily prayer intensive happening now. You can still sign up. We survey this past year and prep the fertile soil for our upcoming 2024. I want to plant a few flower seeds (metaphorically speaking). It’s about allowing, making conditions right for something good and meaningful to pop up. If you are ever interested in a print of my art head to my shoppe, right here on this site. You’ll find it all there. And stickers, oh how I love stickers. I know, like a 6 year old.

Peace, love, profound ideas?

Peace, love, profound ideas?

From the stars, on a mountain, with the bears, my beads…and paint.

Peace, love and profound ideas. Well, maybe just peace and love. These times, these troubled times are so damn hard. I feel often utterly heart-broken. I’m learning to carry that broken heart like I would a baby bird. Breathing life into it, hopeful, a bit reluctant to think too much about the future. My stand is that I want a cease-fire. I don’t want anyone to die, not in the name of peace or revenge or land or ideology. My prayers soothe me. My art soothes me. What are you doing to care for yourself?

The Lotus and The Lily

The Lotus and The Lily

From the stars, on a mountain, with the bears, my beads…and paint.

What I’m up to is Janet Conner’s famous and delicious The Lotus and The Lily prayer intensive. She’s been doing this for 13 years. This will only be my third and it begins on November 14th so you still have time to sign up at the link above. You can read about it on her landing page (again, the link above). It is a completely different way to think about time, to think about terrible new year’s resolutions, to think about and ditch your intentions. This is about creating the environment, the fertile soil that supports your purpose, your joy. YOU don’t decide what’s coming next, She does, Spirit does. We look back thru each month of 2023, listening for the message/song of each month. We do all this together, in community, with friends old and new. Using the magical labyrinth we then listen to our clues, create a chant for the coming year, plant our seeds for a joy filled life in 2024. You will NOT be sorry if you join. Promise.

And, I created the update for her logo! The painting started with Janet’s classic butterfly in combination with the labyrinth. The last gathering is to celebrate the mandalas we each create for the coming year. Mine sit next to my keyboard, constant reminders of the delicious in my life. When we create these mandalas we don’t know exactly what every single thing means. But everything is revealed thru the next year. Here’s one of my mandalas. Everyone’s are different and no art experience is needed. Consider joining us:)

Rosaries are treasures

Rosaries are treasures

From the stars, on a mountain, with the bears, my beads…and paint.

This sweet rosary is on her way into the hands of a beloved. This one I created with his health concerns, his loves and his interests in mind. These are gorgeous 10mm garden quartz, smokey quartz, amethyst, dragon stones and that focus bead at the bottom is an incredible quartz, lodolite, that looks like it has moss inside. If you feel you might need your own rosary or mala, check out my website or send me a message at azro@madriver. Did you know this is filled with M A G I C ?



From the stars, on a mountain, with the bears, my beads…and paint.

“The attraction of art is the humanity held in it.”

Yes it is and I think that’s a genius sentence. I’ve been an artist my entire life and I’m not even really certain what that means. One of my battle cries has been, “everyone is an artist!” and I believe it. You can artfully dress or cook or garden or paint. I think we all have the part inside us that wants to create. For me it’s about adding some presence to what I do. And honestly, having zero concern about how anything actually looks.

What’s been concerning me for a while now is the direction “art” in general is headed. For the last 40 years I’ve been lookin at annual publications in the art and design industry. And whoa have they changed, dramatically. Who cares?, you say! I care. I think we all should care.

Tarot decks are a guilty pleasure of mine. I can hold, in my hands, mini art!, actual reproductions of paintings or collages or photographs of incredible subjects in my hands, flip thru them, be inspired by them, be in awe of them. For each deck I get to be inspired 78 times. 78 mini pieces of art. Come on, what could be better? The trend now is everyone is making a deck, and many are using AI (artificial intelligence or AI from now on here). 

Understanding exactly what AI does is out of my realm. But I am paying attention. A nephew of mine explained it to me in simple terms, thank you very much. He works in the language realm of AI. A computer will never make a grammatical error because we can tell it how not to. AI can pull reference from tons of already written works, it’s all the libraries at your disposal. 

AI for art samples already created art, art created BY HAND, or photographs already taken showing body structure, specific colors locations, subject-matter, you get the idea. AI for art samples tons of images and creates a conglomeration of them all. Supposedly, if I were to paint a pig, and AI sampled from MY painted pig, no one would be able to know it was based on my art. Well yippee for that. Thousands of real pieces of art sampled to create a new piece. Is that art? I suppose having a good eye, knowing color and contrast and composition is worthy, but still…

Do you have any idea how hard it is to make money as an artist? I won’t even take you there because it’s only a rant. Do you have any idea how often my work, my art, my actual art made by my hands and my experience and my time is stolen, given no credit and sometimes made money from what’s stolen? I hear you, we have bigger things to worry about in this world, climate, war, the zillions of grasshoppers overtaking our meadow, but this is my work, my job, my living. 

No, not boo hoo for me. I’m talking big picture concerns here. Is AI ok? I feel, currently, that AI has some incredible applications. Like in medicine it can help diagnose the zebra in the room, those with rare ailments. That sounds like a solid application to me, so yes, AI is ok. 

Should it be helping students write papers, no, I don’t think so. Isn’t part of writing figuring out how to think, how to put ideas together, how to organize? So no, AI is not ok.

Should AI create art? That depends. If you make art using AI, just label it as such. “This art created using AI.” If you didn’t use your hands or your brush or paint or a marking instrument to make the art, or even a stylus on the computer, then no, you didn’t make art. You were skillful telling the computer what to do, you were great at resourcing real art from many places. Maybe you even have a good eye and know what decent art should look like and you’ve succeeded. But you gotta name it. 

I mentioned tarot above because that’s where I’m seeing tons of AI pop up. There are so many new decks. And the backgrounds folks are creating are super stunning. But they’re too pretty, and only slightly varied, and they’re AI. And that makes me sad and now I know why. Because of that sentence, from The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin. He nailed it,

The beauty of art is the humanity held within it.

Yes. So much yes! Art like the tarot backgrounds created in the computer are indeed beautiful, but they’re lacking humanity. The humanity is missing. Doesn’t the chaos of nature add some beauty to everything? If all the flowers were perfect we’d walk outdoors and wonder what the heck happened here? If the clouds were perfect dragon shapes floating overhead that would be cool but too weird. So these perfectly perfect backgrounds that are perfect really bother me.

Pre-history shows us that humans used to beautify everything. We’d make a vessel by hand and paint a bird on the side, or protection symbols around our doors or adorn our bodies to show our place in our community. I’m not giving up on art. Messy art, bad art, kid art, all art. Use your hands. Put your mark, your humanity on what you do. Be present while you’re making. Take the time to put your humanity back into your one and precious best creative life. 

Our natural world…

Our natural world…

From the stars, on a mountain, with the bears, my beads…and paint.

Our natural world holds much mystery and joy. This poppy flower was a surprise gift, growing up out of our compost pile. Isn’t that the way spirit works, we compost what we no longer need and if we’re lucky, we can see our offcasts turn into purple flowers. Isn’t life amazing?