Perturbed Earth

Perturbed Earth

From the stars, on a mountain, with the bears, my beads…and paint.

I feel the earth herself is perturbed. I’ve known this since I was a kid. I got my entire office building in #Memphis to add recycling of paper. I stopped eating meat at 19. But I didn’t try hard enough. Now look at our mess, the weather, mass extinctions of creatures, suicides every which way. So I turn inward and try to keep my eye on the beauty out there. There are heroes everywhere, everyday. Put your dollars into what you care about and don’t support bad business. We all get to choose. I’m with you.

Black Moon Lilith SPEAKS

Black Moon Lilith SPEAKS

Black Moon Lilith Speaks: (regarding Archangel Luci) Archangel Luci is inside all of us. All of us women, we feel her, we ARE her. She was maligned, you are maligned. She was outcast, you are outcast. This stops now. Try on your wings. The wings of the bee maiden. Become one UNITY with each other and you maidens will change this world. Now is the time, you must stick together. Never judge one another. Only love, honor, support. To listen and respect, finding joy in your mundane will allow you to accept your life for what it is, a gorgeous blossoming meadow.

I see your branches.

I see your branches.

Painting with the Universe TREE and Branches

I see you. Your branches are my arms reaching into the deep blue. My leaves eat the sunshine. Your roots travel deep and we talk to one another. This fruit it feeds the world. I am sacred, my family is holy. We shelter and support each other. A perfect collaboration

The mountains are home

The mountains are home


The mountains are home to the grandmothers. The mountains ARE the grandmothers. So many stories go untold if we don’t stop and sit and stare and listen. She waits. Taking her great deep inhale the stars tumble thru time. Falling at my feet they grow as celestial flowers. Tales of mountains, crackling fires, wing beats, thumping hearts. Let’s all gather to listen.

ArchAngel Luci

ArchAngel Luci

Who knew that everything you’ve ever read or heard about Archangel Lucifer is a lie?

Energetic illustration of Luci